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Discover the Sorcerer's Nebula NGC 7380, here photographed in SHO, the palette used by the famous Hubble space telescope, so you can print it and frame it at home or as a gift to a loved one! You will receive the image in high definition in .jpg and .png format so that you can do with it what you want (frame, offer, make a postcard or greeting card).


The Wizard Nebula, named so because some people see the face of a wizard there, is an open cluster located in the constellation Cepheus. This cluster, that is to say the new stars which are born, will survive the nebula which will disappear as the gases collapse on themselves and are assimilated by the latter.


It is a cloud of gas composed of hydrogen ionized by the new stars being born within it. The creation of these stars is possible thanks to the gravitational collapse of more concentrated areas of gas and which amplifies over time, thus allowing this impressive phenomenon. 


The image was captured in the Hubble palette (because this is how the world-famous telescope works), that is to say by isolating the wavelengths corresponding to hydrogen (Ha), ionized oxygen (OIII) and sulfur (SII) using filters. The separate layers are then weighted and assembled into a single image. In this way, we can better understand the structure of the nebula and the relatively heterogeneous distribution of gases. 


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NGC 7380 Wizard Nebula

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