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Here is the summary of the online course available in French and English:


1) Things to take into account before going out

- Visibility conditions

- Light pollution

- Choice of observation location


2) Seasonality of the stars

- Period of the year

- Knowledge of the constellations

- Sky map

- Planning the composition of astrophotography


3) Material conditions

- Warming up the equipment

- Power supply

- Heat resistence

- Comfort

- Emergency toolbox


4) Importance of the weather

- Bortle scale (light pollution)

- Seeing

- Moon phases in detail


Planning your astrophotography session is essential. Indeed, not all stars are present all year round and it is therefore necessary to understand the seasonality of celestial objects. In addition to this, there are certain precautions to take so that your equipment functions correctly during the night, such as warming up or various very useful accessories.


We also discuss the notions of Bortle scale and Seeing in order to understand the quality of one's observation location and whether it is necessary to go elsewhere or not. Indeed, unfortunately we are not all equal when it comes to light pollution. So, what to do against it, how to protect yourself from it and what solutions to adopt? This is what we cover in this section. As for Seeing, which depends on atmospheric turbulence, it is also important to know the force because they have a direct effect on your equipment. Indeed, not all instruments and imagers are adapted according to Seeing and their sampling (lesson no. 5 is particularly devoted to this subject).


In the last part, we are interested in the phases of the moon and their impact on astrophotography to put all the chances on our side. Although she is sublimely beautiful, she can become our worst nightmare depending on the phase. Fortunately, there are different solutions that you can discover in this last section.


Discover our two explanatory videos as well as our PDF support to download and print at home.


So simplify your life and discover our lesson dedicated to accessories so that you don't waste time searching for information on a dozen websites and forums.


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Lesson #7: Planning your astro session FR/EN

  • Discover and discover our "Asiair and N.I.N.A Pack" at an advantageous price in which lessons no. 7, 8, 9 and 10 are included in order to make your astrophotography session easy and avoid frustration.

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